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Coaching you to your best version

Life coaching

As a coach I am passionate about helping people to achieve small and long term goals in all areas of life. Feeling stuck, lacking in motivation and sometimes lost can be difficult. 

With some changes in your mind set a lot can be achieved in helping you to move forward to the life you want and deserve.  I can help you find confidence, building self esteem and to find the best version of yourself.

The  current version of you might sometimes hide behind the scenes for fear of judgement .

IMAGINE finding that inner confidence that helps you feel good, in control and exited about your LIFE.  What would it feel like to feel healthy, alive and motivated when you start your day?  When we feel we have lost control and our inner spark we can start to feel depressed and low in motivation. I am here to change that for you with simple techniques that you can use throughout your daily life.

Coaching Qualifications

ILM Level 3 Workplace Coaching

I qualified in Workplace Coaching back in 2015. In this course I learnt how to help people set goals using the SMART goal technique with reality expectations. The course set me up in wanting to help others and really motivated to make my own changes.

Weight Loss Management Coaching Diploma

I studied and qualified in the Weight Loss Management Coaching course back in 2021. This course gave me knowledge and experience of setting realistic health goals for clients, planning health coaching logs and personalised health plans for healthy eating, exercise and time line therapy techniques.

Please contact me if you want to book a coaching session. I work from private rooms which are comfortable and welcoming. Your session will be tailored to your individual needs and a full package of worksheets and coaching logs will be available for you in the price of the coaching session.

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